Legal Notice

Ecodis France
9, rue des Lions
89 170 Saint-Fargeau
Tél : 03 86 74 60 50
RCS : 50284649600011
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the various parties involved in creating and maintaining the site is provided to its users.
The website is published by ECODIS France, a limited liability company with a capital of €20,000, represented by Mrs. Laura GOURAULT, Manager. The company’s headquarters are located at 9 Rue des Lions, 89170 Saint-Fargeau, with the Siret number: 793 314 303 00025 11 and intra-community VAT number: FR03 793 314 303.
The website is hosted by CMRP SAS, located at 5 rue du chant des oiseaux 78360 MONTESSON. The storage of users' personal data is exclusively carried out in a data center located at TH3.
By email: contact [@]
ECODIS France will retain a record of the transaction, including the order form and invoice, in its computer systems under reasonably secure conditions.
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, the user has the right to access, modify, and delete information collected by Medialis. To exercise this right, the user should send a message to the following address: contact [@]